Thursday, December 31, 2009

Favorite movies 2009

“10 Best Picture Nominees? 10? Name 3! “- William Goldman lamenting the Academy's decision to pick 10 Best Picture contenders from 2009.

I managed to come up with 8.
Eight movies I saw in the theater in 2009 that left me impressed enough to tell other people they had to see this and anxious for another viewing. In the order that I saw them, they are -

Star Trek – Straight up entertaining, top to bottom.

Up – Yeah, the first 20 minutes are the best, but they make the rest matter.

The Hangover – I still crack up just thinking about the tiger.

The Hurt Locker – A wonderfully tense take on the warrior mentality

District 9 – This one reminded me of what Sci-Fi is capable of.

Inglourious Basterds – Tense, funny, layered, violent- this is why I'm such a Tarantino fan.

Paranormal Activity – Creeped ME out. That's impressive.

Avatar – Duh. Cameron built a better world, we got to visit. I'm ready to go back anytime.

* This is the part where I'm forced to admit that there are movies out there I haven't seen and give myself permission to edit this list should any of them match up to the movies above. Here's hoping I have to...
